Emeryville News

Emeryville City and Political News

Luna Rossa Challenge Launches Second Foiling AC45 – Swordfish

big__MG_9288Both the Luna Rossa Piranha and Swordfish  are foiling about in Cagliari, after being modified with on-board systems that allow the AC45 catamarans to fully foil like the AC72s in the 2013 America’s Cup races. (take a look)

The new design protocol for the 35th America’s Cup allows for modifications of the AC45s of any sort, except for the shape of the hulls. Apparently these new catamarans will outperform the old ones and can simulate the sailing conditions of the new AC62s which will be used in the 2017 races. Practicing on the new AC45s will enrich the crews’ training program and better prepare them for maneuvers, boat handling and foiling techniques that will relate to the new AC62s. They are out at sea now testing all the boats’ components and systems in their full foiling modes.

“This is an important day for the team,” according to Max Sirena, skipper of Luna Rossa, “sailing with two boats offers a significant advantage not only for performance comparison but from all points of view. We participated in the last America’s Cup to set the basis for our 35th America’s Cup and now we can count on a solid team and a close collaboration between designers, sailing team and shore team. There is a constant exchange of information between these areas to address the design and optimize its applications.”

Watch Pirahna and Swordfish foiling in Cagliari.

Photo courtesy of lunarossachallenge.com







By |2014-10-05T23:22:30-07:00September 16th, 2014|0 Comments

Ready For A New Way to Play in Emeryville?

 jiggoja, FreeDigitalPhotos.net

jiggoja, FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Have you ever wanted to learn the Ukulele? Now you can. Guitar Center Studios in Emeryville is offering a group lesson in an hour long class Sat., Sept. 20 from 10:15am – 11:15am. This class gives players a solid foundation on the uke, from how to hold and strum, to tuning, to some basic chords and even playing a tune. You may bring your own instrument or use the ones provided.

Guitar Center Studios in Emeryville offers beginner-to-advanced instruction for guitar, bass, keyboards, drum and singing lessons.  Private lessons are also available as well as Rock Band group lessons with peers at your musical level. Check out more of their upcoming classes:

Recording Made Easy for GarageBand©

Sat., Sept. 20th, 2014, 10-11am

An entry-level course on the Digital Audio Workstation, GarageBand. This week, they will discuss utilizing hardware and software effects, EQ, compression and more.

Singer Songwriter Essentials

Wed, Sept. 24, 7-8pm

A discussion on the unique needs of the singer-songwriter, including PA setups, microphone selection and more. There will be a few tips on live performance techniques.

Learn more about their classes or how to book the studio to record your band. Guitar Center is located in the Emeryville Public Market at 5959 Shellmound St. Don’t forget – Off The Grid Food Trucks will be at the Public Market on Saturday.

By |2014-09-18T18:15:26-07:00September 16th, 2014|0 Comments

Emeryville DIspatches Climate Change Advocates

urlAll aboard! About 175 people boarded Amtrak at the Emeryville Amtrak Station Monday on their way to New York City to rally in the NYC Climate March and call attention to the dramatic effects of climate change. The climate rally coincides with the Sept. 23, 2014 United Nations Climate Summit, which brings leaders together to advance action in accomplishing their climate change goals. Climate change is happening now and having disruptive consequences on people’s lives and their local economies.  Read more.


By |2014-09-16T11:38:26-07:00September 16th, 2014|0 Comments

Welcome to Emeryville’s 2014 Season of Sailing & Yachting

Diane Isley, Harbor Master, Emery Cove

Diane Isley, Harbor Master, Emery Cove

Heading towards the opening of the 2014 sailing and yachting season, I reflected on 2013’s events. We had one of our best summers ever with the America’s Cup taking place in the center of the San Francisco Bay.

This has to be one of the top regattas in the history of the America’s Cup. Congratulations to Oracle Team USA!  The technological advance in design and speed, the level of skill for the sailors and the even match racing set the bar very high for future Cup racing. Watching 72-foot catamarans with masts 13 stories high hydro-foil within a few feet of each other at speeds 25-45 miles per hour was exhilarating. The shoreline access and the television, phone and online advances in viewing technology were significant. This was one of the most exciting events in my career.

The America’s Cup was a tremendous boost to the boating industry in general and to the economy and the tourism business in the Bay Area. California boaters and harbors should be honored to host the oldest trophy in sports for the United States. The Bay Area backdrop with its scenic views, currents and wind variety made for a summer of racing beyond compare.

Our heart goes out to Emirates Team New Zealand. Their sportsmanship is first class and their support and fan base was significant.  New Zealand gave it their all and we expected to see the cup head south for many days while Team New Zealand was in the lead with only one race to win to take it all. It was a pleasure to host many of their fans in our Emeryville marinas. Oracle Team USA’s comeback is truly remarkable.

As the Bay Area settled back into a routine and the super yachts and cruisers headed out to their various destinations, it was announced on September 30th that Hamilton Island Yacht Club (HIYC), located on the edge of the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia, has challenged for the 35th America’s Cup. The location, which will be announced by the beginning of summer, remains to be determined and we can only hope that it will remain here in the San Francisco Bay.

We have several exciting boating events approaching:

The Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show is the largest sailboat show on the West Coast April 10-13 at Jack London Square in Oakland. Emery Cove Yacht Harbor and Emeryville Marina both exhibit at this show. Show times located here.

‘Opening Day on the Bay’ Sunday April 27th 2014 is the biggest boating day of the year. This event is hosted by the Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association (PICYA) representing over 100 Northern California yacht clubs celebrating the official beginning of the 2014 boating season on the San Francisco Bay. Emeryville Yacht Club will participate in the Blessing of the Fleet and Parade of Yachts. This year’s decorating theme is “Visions” and the boats can be viewed by the public along the San Francisco waterfront from Crissy Field to Pier 39, 12 noon until 3pm.

Emery Cove is hosting the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary free ‘Vessel Safety Checks’ and boating safety information event Saturday April 5th, 2014 and May 31, 2014. The 2014 decals will be issued to vessels passing the inspection.

And finally Earth Day April 22, 2014. Emery Cove has been certified as a Clean Marina (www.cleanmarina.org) since November 2006 and strives to be a steward of the environment.

Emery Cove is now at record occupancy. We enjoy visitors both from afar and locally, including hosting cruise-ins for the Emeryville Yacht Club. We had visitors from 15 Northern California Yacht Clubs last year wanting to be part of the action in the center of San Francisco Bay. A number of boaters enjoyed what Emeryville has to offer and decided to stay and make Emeryville their main port. The local transportation, restaurants, shopping, bay trails and sights have all the makings for a great destination.

We wish you all the best for 2014.

Diane Isley, Emery Cove Harbor Master

By |2014-04-26T22:22:01-07:00March 26th, 2014|0 Comments

Young Emeryville Composer Creates Music from Bicycle Sounds


Emeryville Musician & Composer – Johnny Random

Emeryville musician and composer Johnny Random announced the release of his new song Bespoken. Recording the track took seven months and according to the East Bay Express, the music is mesmerizing.  I downloaded it and must agree! Read more about this fascinating Emeryville star and watch his video.

By |2014-04-26T22:18:53-07:00March 12th, 2014|0 Comments
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